Sunday, August 1, 2021

Quatrefoil Chronicles: Book Promotion

Starting the Month of August with The Quatrefoil Chronicles:
Book Promotion

Let's welcome the month of August with some positive energy!

Great news everyone! Ms. Olivia Wildenstein and Ms. Katie Hayoz have released their new book The Quatrefoil Chronicles which is a duology. Moreover, they have agreed to promote it on Demigod Reader's Blog. I am deeply honored they allowed me to promote and talk about their books on my blog, the premise and covers of the book really got my attention. Thank you so much to these two amazing and kind authors 💗

Follow Author Olivia Wildenstein on her social media accounts:

FB Reader Group:

Follow Author Katie Hayoz on her social media accounts:
FB Reader Group:

About the Books

Fans of urban fantasy will definitely love and enjoy these books. As a fantasy lover myself, I'm excited to dive into its world to witness the magic system, meet the characters and to just basically fall for it. Read more to know what the books are all about and where you can get them.

The authors made a single copy of OF WICKED BLOOD, a hardcover with its beautiful dust jacket, art by Dominique Wesson (

OF WICKED BLOOD (The Quatrefoil Chronicles #1) By: Olivia Wildenstein and Katie Hayoz
Published date: February 2, 2021
Buy copies on:

Synopsis from Goodreads:
No rest for the wicked...or the cursed.

I didn't mean to steal the Bloodstone from the De Morel's crypt.
Scratch that, I did mean to steal.
Until I realized it was a curse-magnet that only comes off if I, along with a jolly trio, successfully defeat four curses.
If any of us fail, I'm dead.
I've never been a glass half-empty sort of person but my glass looks like in dire need of a refill right now. The only highlight of this wicked treasure hunt: feisty, entitled Cadence de Morel.

I was raised on tales of magic, in a small town reputed to be the birthplace of French witchcraft.
Did I believe all the stories I heard? Absolutely not. I mean, if magic existed, Maman wouldn't have died, and Papan wouldn't be stuck in a wheelchair, right?
The night Slate Ardoin waltzes into my life, wearing a ring he stolen from my mother's grave, I call him a monster. But then I meet real ones, and Slate, well...he becomes something else to me. Something frustrating to live with but impossible to live without.
Something I will fight for, no matter the cost.

*Warning: profuse cursing (and not just the magical kind).

The authors have also decided to have a hardcover copy of OF TAINTED HEART, with its dust jacket designed by @elionhardt (

Photo credits to: Ms. Olivia Wildenstein

OF TAINTED HEART (The Quatrefoil Chronicles #2) By: Olivia Wildenstein and Katie Hayoz
Published date: July 27, 2021
Buy copies on:

Synopsis from Goodreads:

Somehow, we survived

It was supposed to be over. No more curses. No more magic. Just a calm, little life in Brume.

For the first time ever, I'm ready for calm. So. Damn. Ready.

Just so happens that girl I love doesn't like to leave things unfinished.

Fine. So our little crew will assemble the Quatrefoil and bring magic back to the world. We've already faced death.

This can't be worse.
Or can it?

I could have let things be. Maybe I should have let things be.

My crew is alive. Slate is by my side. And life is returning to normal.

Except the university s a giant pile of rubble. Papa is still stuck in a wheelchair. And a girl is dead.

If magic can change all that, I want to try one last time to bring it back.

Hopefully I won't regret it.

*Warning: profuse cursing (and not just the magical kind).

Just by reading the blurbs of these books excites me! The Quatrefoil Chronicles is on my August TBR and I hope to dive into it, real fast. I'm thrilled to share these amazing books to my fellow demigod readers.
Again, you can get your copies on Amazon just click the links below:

Spread love and goodness as always,

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