Tuesday, September 7, 2021

The Stationery Shop: Book Review

Photo credits: Simon and Schuster

The Stationery Shop by Marjan Kamali
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/5

The story takes place in 1953 Tehran (the capital city of Iran) where seventeen-year-old girl named Roya lives. And one day, she finds this Stationery Shop owned by Mr. Fakhri where she gets to meet Bahman – a handsome guy, who has a burning passion for justice and freedom. As they see each other in that little stationery shop, their relationship starts to blossom. However, despite the strong love they have for each other there will always be hindrances, conflicts and misunderstandings. Roya and Bahman agreed to meet at the town square to get married but suddenly, violence erupts – a result of the coup that forever changes their country’s future. Amidst the chaos, Roya waited but Bahman never came.
After the heartbreak of Bahman not showing on the date of their marriage, Roya moves on to a new chapter of her life. But fate has its own ways, after more than half a century, a chance encounter gives Roya an opportunity to ask all the unanswered questions that haunted her for years: Why did you leave me? Where did you go? How is it that you were able to forget me?

"Our fate is written on our foreheads when we're born. It can't be seen, can't be read, but it's there in invisible ink all right, and life follows that fate. No matter what."

Oh my gosh! After reading The Stationery Shop, it definitely became one of my favorite books of all time! It was so good, I get to connect with the characters, I learned something and it certainly made my heart ached that it deserved a solid five stars from me. Such a beautiful, moving story of great love which author Marjan Kamali delivered splendidly!

The story doesn't only takes place in the 1950's but also in the year 2013 (the present date in the book) so we go back and forth in the story and we get to see and know what happened in between all of the time  how their relationship started and blossoms, also about their personal lives. And honestly, this book completely took me by surprise it has devoured my heart and soul! I did not expect every twist and turns that happened and was really caught off guard by all the revelations that blown me away. It made me feel a lot of emotions and I sincerely love this book with all my heart. It's just so nice to witness a love story that has stood the test of time❤

The Stationery Shop was so well-written and lyrical that I have highlighted so many and put a lot of tabs in every line that I came across which I find so  beautiful and I don't want to forget. Marjan Kamali's writing style is truly captivating, really imaginative and readers can feel every emotion that has been poured in this book. Apart from the love story, I was immersed with the political history and culture of Iran. It was really clear and explained well which made it easy to follow and understand. There are also some words written in Persian or Farsi (the language of native Iranian speakers) that made me curious and looked it up on the internet. Moreover, the author described the Iranian food in such amazing detail that I feel like I can taste it through the pages, so I searched some of the cuisines that were mentioned too. I have felt a lot of heartbreaks with this book not solely by the story of star-crossed lovers but also, because I learned what the Iranian people experienced and how they struggled to get through when the 1953 Iranian coup d'état happened. It was mirrored in this book how the country grappled toward democracy.

"The people have very little power and you know it. In this country there's too much deal-making and corruption behind the scenes."

Moreover, it saddened me that women doesn't have the full freedom to do what they want and deprived from having a quality education they deserve. Women were only viewed as weak, below and dependent to man. On the contrary, I love how supportive the father of Roya when it comes to motivating his daughters (Roya and Zari) in achieving their dreams and he told them the importance of Education.

"No one can take that education away from you once you have it. Do you know? You can take your degree from the university and put it in your pocket and it will be there for the rest of your life."

The discrimination and culture ignorance were also expressed in the book when Roya was sent to a westernized country to study. Comparisons were also discussed between the country she grew up and came from and the country she's currently staying in. Aside from the political and cultural aspect, my love for this book intensified when I knew mental health was also involved. In the story, Bahman's mother is mentally ill and the stigma of having  problems with mental health way back was worst. It was viewed as a scandal in the family and needs to be hidden instead of addressing it properly. I must admit, I can't stop myself hating Bahman's mother but I somehow get it where she's coming from and I feel sorry for her.

Most of the characters in The Stationery Shop experienced so much devastating losses that will want every reader to hug and comfort these characters. It was showed in the book how these losses affect their lives however, it also captured the essence of forgiveness and acceptance. In short, it was heart wrenching, gripping and such beautiful story that I highly, highly recommend.

"The minute I heard my first love story,
I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was.
Lovers don't finally meet somewhere.
They're in each other all along."

I don't know if I can ever forget this amazing novel. One of my favorite scenes that happened in the story was the exchanging of letters that were placed between the pages of a book (used as vehicles of communication) which I kept on thinking when will I ever experienced romantic things like that!
The Stationery Shop should be read by many and witness how the power of great love can defy time and distance. 
Roya and Bahman are some of the characters that will break you but you'll still be inspired and love them with all the scattered pieces of your heart.

"It is a love from which we never recover."

Spread love and goodness as always,


  1. As I finish reading your review, this book really got my attention and interest 💖 will surely read it soon, especially, because it involves history. Fighting!


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