Tuesday, November 9, 2021

ARC Tour and Book Review: A Light in the Sky (Clashing Skies #1)

Photo credits: https://www.instagram.com/shinareynolds/

Hello bookish people of the universe! I'm so happy to be part of the A Light in the Sky ARC Tour! Thank you so much to Book of Matches Media for choosing me as one their tour hosts and to the author Shina Reynolds for giving me a digital advance reader's copy of your book!

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Read more to know what the book is all about and for the book review📚

About the book

Release date: November 9, 2021
Title: A Light in the Sky
Series Title: Clashing Skies, Book 1
Genre: YA Fantasy
Steam/heat level: Mild
Trigger warnings: Violence (war), animal attack on other animal (not fully seen), attacking animal dies, family member dies.
Comparable authors/titles: Red Queen, The Scorpio Races, The 100

Book Review


A Light in the Sky (Clashing Skies #1)
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐✨ (3.8/5)

"How far would you fly for freedom?"

A Light in the Sky follows the story of Aluma Banks who have always dreamed of soaring freely through the skies but flying on a winged steed is only granted for the Riders of the King's Empyrean Cavalry. She is also forbidden by her father who is retired Empyrean Rider to join the tournament. However, when Aluma's father was tragically injured she is forced to take part in the tournament. As her dream of flying is about to be realized,  Aluma learns devastating secrets about the King and his never-ending war with Laithlann.

This was such an interesting and fun read! Who wouldn't fall for horses with WINGS?! The concept of the book and writing style were really captivating. Also, the world-building was amazing but it can be confusing sometimes. The story moves smoothly – not too slow and not too fast, the pacing was just right. Just by reading the book, I can say the author really poured her effort and time in planning out the plot well. Moreover, I love the characters! They have a lot to give! I love the relationship between the characters especially between Aluma and her father. And the names were really unique which I also like despite the struggle pronouncing them😂

I do have some concerns; the love triangle was a little bit frustrating😅 Aluma is torn between her childhood friend and the foreign prince, and starts having confused feelings. It's a struggle reading her inner monologues about the two guys. Also, I just hoped there was more action but it's still the first book so I'm hoping it is more action-packed in the succeeding books. I still had a lot of fun reading A Light in the Sky and would still recommend it for everyone to read!

Spread love and goodness as always,

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ARC Tour and Book Review: A Light in the Sky (Clashing Skies #1)

Photo credits:  https://www.instagram.com/shinareynolds/ Hello bookish people of the universe! I'm so happy to be part of the A Light in...

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