Sunday, August 8, 2021

Young Elites Trilogy: Book Review

Photo credits: Penguin Random House
Marie Lu is one of my favorite authors of ALL TIME. I became a fan when I started reading the Legend series, and after that I knew that I need more of her books.
I hope you'll enjoy reading my review and thoughts about The Young Elites trilogy which I'll be rating individually.

"I am Adelina Amouteru," the phantoms whispered to my father, speaking my most frightening thoughts in a chorus of voices, dripping with hatred. My hatred. "I belong to no one. On this night, I swear to you that I will rise above everything you've taught me. I will become a force that this world has never known. I will come into such power that none will dare hurt me again."

In the story, we follow Adelina Amouteru, a survivor of the blood fever which is a deadly illness that swept through her nation. Those who were infected have died, while those who survived were mainly children and the blood fever left them with strange markings, thus they are to be called malfettos, an abomination to the world. But some of the fever's survivors are believed to possess strange abilities - powerful gifts feared by everyone. Adelina discovers her own ability in an unfortunate way, causing to meet people like her which they have come to be called the Young Elites.

The Young Elites (Book 1) by Marie Lu

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐/ 5

Marie Lu has did it everyone! If you want to know the darker and sexier side of Marie Lu as an author, then I would highly recommend you to read Young Elites. I admire her even more because of this book. It's a dark fantasy but I think it has a little bit of dystopian vibe. This story is packed with magic, action, a story with kings and queens, and even gods and goddesses.

The story and plot itself is amazing that will hook every reader and can easily finish this book in one sitting. The Young Elites has surprised me in so many ways. Marie Lu's writing style still amuses me because it's fascinating how she delivers every character's point of view (yes, this book has multiple point of views) and explains every topic or scenes before moving on to the next, so it's not confusing even though we are reading back and forth from one character's point of view to another. However, the world-building is not strong enough in my opinion, I hope there was really more into it since most of the fantasy books I've read has superb world-building and just wish Ms. Lu added more description about the setting. Even though the world-building didn't quite impressed me, the characters left me in awe. I can say the author really thought a lot in making her characters and put a lot of effort in portraying them successfully. The way she described the characters physically, what are their traits as well as the unique abilities they have were so well done. All of them are complex and I'm just really excited to know how each one of them develop in the succeeding books.

"Everyone. They will cower at my feet, and I will make them bleed."

Adelina Amouteru is one of the characters that I really appreciate because she endured every hardships she went through. Our main character has suffered a lot, she's scarred both on the outside and inside but I admire her spirit and determination to try and change her life. Although she can be a little annoying on the decisions she make and appears to be quite weak here in the first book but I can't wait for her to go all out and be the badass queen that she is.

Enzo Valenciano, the leader of the Dagger Society (secret sect of the Young Elites) has caught my heart! He's so strikingly attractive and not to mention that his ability is to create and control fire which makes him freaking hot (literally)🔥😍 Other than that, I love how he cares for the other members of the Dagger Society and I truly admire his leadership and passion.

Aside from Adelina and Enzo, there are other characters to love and hate. Moreover, the thing I like about this book is that readers can't choose whose side are they going to support, not even our very own main character. It's just really intriguing , and I was very eager to know what will happen next. Also, I wasn't expecting the ending of this book which gave me a lot of questions instead of answers!  If you haven't read the Young Elites, well this is a sign for you to go, pick it up and read it!

"Our hearts fill with terror at the thought of harm coming to our loved ones, don't they? You cannot have love without fear. The two coexist."

The Rose Society (Book 2) by Marie Lu
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/5

"Once upon a time, a girl had a father, a prince, a society of friends. Then they betrayed her."

The Rose Society is my favorite book in the trilogy. This sequel turned out to be everything that I ever wanted and I could not put it down. It is fast-paced, action packed and this sequel definitely did not disappoint. I was surprised by how dark and wicked the story has become, also Adelina has chosen a much darker and bitter path that I can't help but feel sad for her sometimes. I can say The Rose Society is the peak where Adelina has fully become an anti-hero of the story.

In addition to the heart-pounding experience with this book are the new characters! They help add some spice, angst, thrill and twists to the plot. To compare the world-building of Rose Society from book one, this was much more impressive and I can vividly imagine the places. And of course the writing style is still *chef's kiss*

"I pledge myself to the Rose Society," I begin. "Until the end of my days."
"I will do everything in my power to destroy all who stand in my way."

I loved how Adelina went all out! I've been waiting for this since book one. She picked herself up despite the fact that she has been betrayed and casted out by her past allies. Now, she is known as the white wolf  feared by everyone. She has built her own crew (Rose Society) with a goal of getting back to those who have wronged her and rule over Kennetra. Also, she became so vicious and fierce which I really love! However, the downside was her power (she's an illusion maker) grows too strong that sometimes she can't control and the voices in her head cries even louder.

"It is better to have an enemy who will fight you in an open field than a lover who will kill you in your sleep."

I don't want to give away any spoilers about Enzo, basically something happened with him in book one because of what Adelina did that freaking annoyed me (though I know it wasn't her fault entirely) but I was so happy Enzo was still in Rose Society and he came back much more powerful. However, I never expected he would be completely different (I can't say why, #notospoilers) and his relationship with Adelina has changed too. I know I love Enzo but oh my gosh, a new character definitely wrecked that and he is no other than, Magiano! Everyone, the moment Magiano was introduced in the beginning of the book I honestly, completely fall for him (I know it's weird) but damn, he is next to Adelina as one of my favorite characters. I was rooting for Enzo and Adelina to be together but honestly, after reading this sequel I'm team Magiano y'all. He is good for Adelina, he supports her and at the same time Adelina finds comfort whenever she's with Magiano. But Adelina being so stubborn and blinded by her old love for Enzo ends up hurting Magiano. I'm still hoping for the both of them!

"I'm trying to say that you are living in a world of illusions," Magiano says, reaching a hand out to touch my arm, "of your own creation. You are in love with something that no longer exists."

Other characters in the story are equally nice. I love the fact that LGBTQIA+ Community is also represented in the novel, such as the relationship between Lucent and Queen Maeve, and breaking stereotypes that men can also be called beautiful like Raffaele which I decided to ship him with Enzo instead. Besides romance the novel tackles leadership, friendship as well as the sisterly bond between Violetta and Adelina. Furthermore, a lot of scenes were really memorable and amazing for example, when Enzo and Adelina fought and they said hurtful words to each other, the fight was awesome but at the same time heartbreaking. Also, when Adelina tricked Teren in order to get the crown from Queen Guillietta (can't tell further details because  again #notospoiler) it was one of the best badass scene for me. In short, The Rose Society was a great sequel. A continuous battle between good and bad, never ending betrayals, full of twist and turns that readers will surely love.

The Midnight Star (Book 3) by Marie Lu 

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐/ 5

 "To those who, in spite of everything, still choose goodness"

The moment I read this line which is the opening dedication of the book, I knew and felt that this will left me in awe and might break my heart. Well guess what, it did!

The Midnight Star is the final installment of the Young Elites series and I honestly don't want to let go yet. In the third and final book, we still follow our main character Adelina who has finally fulfilled the revenge she wants and achieved in seizing the crown of Kennetra. However, the darkness within slowly succumbs her and when a new danger appears which threatens not only her life, but every Elite, a choice must be made. Adelina and her Roses must join forces with the Daggers on a quest but will they be able to trust and not kill each other?

"We were never meant to exist, Adelina," he says. "And we will never exist again. But we cannot take the entire world with us." He meets my gaze. "No matter how it has wronged us."

Honestly, I rated this book five stars before but I thought there's something missing and it could've been more. I genuinely enjoyed and love the final book but I wish it was longer and deeper with its plot and meaning. The writing style was still very much exquisite, world-building was good but I was a bit disappointed by the little development we have for our characters (except Adelina) their backgrounds could've explored more. My LGBTQIA+ couple Lucent and Maeve should have given an extra moment - though they had one but I'm not quite contented with it and Lucent just going back to Beldain with her queen, I need assurance that they are really back together and a real moment for them to have. Moreover, I was really curious with the past life of Magiano and his backstory could've been developed more as "thief" Magiano and not just as Adelina's love interest. Same goes to the relationship between Violetta and Sergio it was a bit dull. However, I think it did brought justice to the sisterly bond between Adelina and Violetta. It's one of my favorite thing that happened in the book and one of the reasons why I didn't gave a rating below four stars. I love how their bond as sisters grow and became much stronger despite what they have been through - all the sufferings, hatred and envy were replaced by love and forgiveness at the end which made me teary-eyed.

"Sisters forever," Violetta declared, in her tiny, young voice.
"Until death, even in death, even beyond"

At the end of Rose Society (book 2) I was curious on how it would end. Will Adelina stay as the cruel and dark queen she is now? Will the darkness in her heart prevail or there's still a chance to redeem herself? Is Teren important on the final book knowing he's not dead yet? Will Adelina and Magiano end up being together? This has been the effect of the series in me, questions keep piling up and I can't stop thinking about it. Despite that the book has flaws it was still a great and fun read for me. All of my questions were somehow answered in The Midnight Star, the ending of the book was predictable but still caught me off guard because I thought it can be avoided; it was heartbreakingly beautiful. I don't want to go in deeper because I really don't want to spoil anyone who hasn't read it yet especially if they're planning to.

"After a lifetime of darkness, I want to leave something behind that is made of light"

Questions from the demigod:
  • Have you read the Young Elites trilogy? If yes, I would love to hear your thoughts about it.
  • Who is your favorite character in the series?
  • If you were an Elite what power would you want to have?
Spread love and goodness as always,

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