Saturday, September 18, 2021

The Broken Daughter (The Cursed Kingdom Series Bk. 1): Book Tour and Creative Review Tour

 "Pain has a way of making you forget even the happiest of times, Princess"

Hello bookish people of the universe! I'm very much excited to share that your bookish demigod is once again part of another book tour in partnership with Kingdom of Hiraeth Tours! Thank you so much for having me as one of your tour host for The Cursed Kingdom  Series by author Aimee Shaye.

The series is consist of three books and together with Kingdom of Hiraeth Tours we will promote the books in the series individually. To know more about the books, follow Kingdom of Hiraeth and the author on their social media accounts by clicking the links below:

Follow author Aimee Shaye on her social media accounts:
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Book Bub:

Follow Kingdom of Hiraeth Tours on their social media accounts:

Purchase/Order Links:
The Broken Daughter (The Cursed Kingdom Book 1):
The Dead Daughter (The Cursed Kingdom Book 2):
The Cursed Daughter (The Cursed Kingdom Book 3):

About the Book

Title: The Broken Daughter (The Cursed Kingdom Bk. 1)
Genre: Fantasy
Synopsis from Goodreads: She was born a princess. She was destined to be a sentinel of dark magick.

Long ago, magick filled the land of Dramolux but one sorceress delved too deep into dark sorcery and tainted the magical creatures inhabiting the land. In an effort to save all creatures, a noble sentinel locked the dark powers away and separated Dramolux from the rest of the world. For generations, the dark magick was controlled, passed down to those who ruled the sentinel kingdom, Treoles.

Not anymore.

The newest sentinel, Queen Ismana of Treoles, is murdered and all the magick is released back into the world. It is now up to her daughter, Princess Aymeri--who has no knowledge of what she truly is--to recapture it. Little does she know, there is a war on the horizon for her reign.

A dark sorceress, who declares herself Empress Dimia of Dramolux, is on the rise. She wants to lay claim to the magick and wield it herself, in an effort to take all of Dramolux under her control.

The odds are against Aymeri as secrets unravel themselves and as war threatens her kingdom. She must prepare to battle or die fighting for the survival of her people.

Book Review

The Broken Daughter (The Cursed Kingdom Bk. 1)
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐✨(3.5/5)

In the story, we follow our main character Aymeri who at the beginning of the book lost her mother which is the Queen of Treoles. Princess Aymeri is left with no choice but to run the Kingdom herself however, she knows nothing how to handle it and her memories are broken into fragments. All she knows is that the Queen didn't take her own life but was murdered. She is grieving while solving all the mysteries that are happening inside the walls of her Kingdom and uncovering the truths about herself.

It is an interesting story that takes place in a medieval era with royalties and magic! It tends to attract the readers at the very beginning because it starts with a death and questions are already flowing in every reader's head. Suspicions and mysteries keep piling up that together with Aymeri, I also don't know who to trust. The plot is indeed captivating, the writing style is good however the world-building was simple and isn't strong enough for me, I just hope the author developed the world more and have a deeper backstory of the different kingdoms. As for the characters, I didn't really formed a connection with them. I was a little annoyed with Aymeri because she keeps on crying and I found her character weak at times but I do understand that she's having problems in running the kingdom, putting the pieces of her memories together and finding her true self. On the brighter side, I do love her character development from a faint-hearted Princess to the destined Queen that she is. Moreover, she isn't your typical Queen because she is a warrior as well! I won't say much about this because I don't want to give away any spoilers!

The Broken Daughter was an enjoyable read but it was too fast-paced that some scenes and revelations were not delivered well, in my opinion. There wasn't enough explanation on how it ended that way and I was also confused sometimes. Nevertheless, it was a good book for me and I hope some of the questions and confusion will be answered in the next book!

"As long as you are true to yourself, no one will dare deny you the respect you deserve and are entitled to"

Spread love and goodness as always,

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