Thursday, September 30, 2021

The Cursed Daughter (The Cursed Kingdom Series Bk. 3): Book Tour and Creative Review Tour

"You must find your path on your own. You must unlock the magick inside you."

Hello bookish people of the universe!✨ The Cursed Daughter is the final installment of The Cursed Kingdom Series and I'm very thankful to be part of this book tour journey. I would like to extend my gratitude to Kingdom of Hiraeth Tours and author Aimee Shaye for having as one of the tour hosts! 💖

This is the final book stop tour for this series. I had a really great time while promoting and reading the books! Also, to know more about the books follow Kingdom of Hiraeth Tours and Aimee Shaye on their social media accounts by clicking the links below:

Follow Kingdom of Hiraeth Tours on their social media accounts:

Purchase / Order Links:
The Broken Daughter (The Cursed Kingdom Book 1):
The Dead Daughter (The Cursed Kingdom Book 2):
The Cursed Daughter (The Cursed Kingdom Book 3):

About the Book

Title: The Cursed Daughter (The Cursed Kingdom #3)
Author: Aimee Shaye
Genre: YA Fantasy
Synopsis from Goodreads: She was born of dark magick. She was destined to unite the world.

Empress Dimia wants nothing more than to claim the dark magick she had sought her entire life. She believes the war is finally coming to an end, when it takes a turn for the worse.

Dimia is imprisoned by Aymeri, who refuses to see reason, and the dark magick within her threatens to end her life as it brings forth a danger neither of them anticipate.

Will Dimia die at the hands of Queen Aymeri, or will the Queen finally sea reason and allow Dimia to claim the magick and become its vessel?

Find out in this jaw-dropping conclusion to The Cursed Kingdom trilogy.

Book Review

The Cursed Daughter (The Cursed Kingdom Bk. 3)
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5

Now it all makes sense! All of my confusion and questions while reading book one and two have been answered. The Cursed Daughter was such a thrilling conclusion for this series! It was epic, action-packed and full of unexpected revelations. The world- building in this book is really great, writing style is very much addictive and the character development is just *chef's kiss* Also, I can't deny that the magical world and its creatures are captivating.

"Everyone deserves happiness...Trust me. One day, you will realize that you do deserve love and a long life. I want to be beside you when you realize it."

I was a little bit shocked and pleased at the same time that it was told in the perspective of Empress Dimia. I learned a lot about her and even understood where she's coming from. I hated her at first but this book changed it all! It was a rollercoaster ride for me. Kumud was indeed my favorite character but after reading and knowing the backstory of Dimia, oh boy! All the betrayals, secrets and plot twists were amazing. I admire Dimia for being strong and I think she definitely has a sense of leadership in her.

Moreover, I honestly love the sisterly bond in the story. Besides the awesomeness of the series, it was also heartfelt because Aymeri, Kumud and Dimia finally found each other. The meaning of family and love was really on point. 💓

It was such an amazing read and I love I have signed up for this tour!

Spread love and goodness as always,

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