Friday, July 23, 2021

Persuasion: Book Review

Persuasion by Jane Austen
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐✨ (4.5/5)

Wow! This book is A-MA-ZING! Jane Austen has done it again. I never thought Persuasion would surpassed my love for Pride and Prejudice.

The novel tells us the story of twenty-seven-year old Anne Eliot, who among Austen's works is the most adult heroine. Anne's family is about to experience a financial crisis, which led to put Kellynch Hall (their home) on a let. The interesting part is, the sister of Frederick Wentworth happens to be the tenant. Supposedly, eight years ago Anne and Frederick Wentworth were likely to get married, but she breaks off the engagement when persuaded by her friend Lady Russell that such a match is unworthy. Now that Wentworth is back as a rich and successful Captain of a navy, will they have a second chance in reuniting the love that has been lingering for too long?

Jane Austen is such a powerful writer. She's wise, strong-willed, sarcastic and full of wit. The way she wrote the plot and characters that will certainly reflect the strength and defects of the society at the same time is admirable. I've read this while listening to its audiobook and it gave me a complete reading experience.

Anne is the kind of character that readers would definitely support and root for. She's so kind and a capable woman. I just felt really sad that she's being oppressed by her own freakin' family! Her family is always shutting her out and not being listened to, this breaks my heart. Sir Walter Eliot and Elizabeth (Anne's father and older sister respectively) are the most self-centered, vain and absurd characters I've ever yet to know. They would always adhere to physical appearance as an important thing when it comes to rank in the society and feel superior to the poor, which they believed should be excluded from the society. I just can't believe their minds. The poor should be given attention as much as the rich receives, but then again reality and corrupt government sucks. In addition to my list of not so favorite character is Mary, also a sister of Anne. She's just too much for me and I find myself rolling my eyes at her. She can't even take care of her own child!

"I don't think any young woman has a right to make a choice that may be disagreeable and inconvenient to the principal part of her family"

How could Mary say this? A woman have the right to make choices even if it's disagreeable to her family. Our choices should not always be in line with what our family wants especially when you know your choices and decisions are just.

If you've read Persuasion you will definitely feel and can somehow relate to Anne. The Bennet sisters (from P&P) will indeed forever be irreplaceable. Compared to Pride & Prejudice, I never thought I would like Persuasion more. Not to mention the romance between Anne Eliot and Captain Wentworth. I never knew I needed the slow burn romance in classic style. The moments they were avoiding each other, denying their real feelings, misunderstandings and stolen glances between them, I loved it despite the fact that it's killing me.

It was unfortunate indeed, that Anne broke off the engagement but I can't totally blame her when she yielded easily. She doesn't have anyone to guide her knowing that her mother is already dead and Lady Russell was the only friend she seeks advice to. I must admit, I disliked Lady Russell at first but I did somehow understand her and loved her character development at the end.

"What! Would I be turned back from doing a thing that I had determined to do, and that I knew to be right, by the airs and interference of such a person, or of any person I must say?"

And of course, who wouldn't fall for Captain Wentworth though he's a bit boring unlike Mr. Darcy but still. He's such a gentleman, good brother to his friends who are also naval officers and how could I ever forget such beautiful letter he has addressed to Anne? Never!

"You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope. Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings are gone for ever." 
(I must say, handwritten letter never gets old).

"Dare not say that man forgets sooner than woman, that his love has an earlier death. I have loved none but you. Unjust I may have been, weak and resentful I have been, but never inconstant."

It was such a beautiful, thought provoking and heartfelt read for me. The reason why I didn't gave it a solid five star was because Jane Austen gave little description of the places, which lacks in the world-building and kind of heavy on the narration. However, I do understand that this may be the writing style during her period.

To sum it up, I genuinely love Persuasion and might take the place of Anne of Green Gables as number one spot in my Classics Category. But, I think Anne Shirley-Cuthbert wouldn't mind sharing the spot with Anne Eliot. They are both Anne with an "E" after all.

           Spread love and goodness as always,

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much! I totally agree with you, the romance, plot and everything about this book is captivating!


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